Marine on St Croix Fire and Rescue
The dedicated volunteers of the Marine Fire Department provide first response to fire and medical emergencies, providing basic life support prior to Lakeview Ambulance arrival.
Annual reports can be found at the bottom of this page.
Burn Permits
The cost per permit is $5.00 for piles or $15.00 for a pre-scribed burn permit. Each permit is good for up to 3 consecutive days. You can contact the City office during regular business hours Monday thru Thursday to obtain a permit.
Prior to burning, the permit holder must check the current restrictions listed Department of Natural Resources and abide by them.
Volunteer for the Fire Department!
General Membership Requirements
Age: New members shall be at least 18 years of age. Physical condition: The City Council will appoint to membership only personnel having no known heart disease, epilepsy or emphysema. The Council may require certain minimum standards of weight, height, education and any other qualifications which may be specified by the council; volunteers will be required to pass a physical examination (paid for by the city.) Due to changing physical conditions of members, they may be restricted to performing limited duties. Discrimination: There is no discrimination on the basis of color, race, sex or creed. There is a one year probationary period for all new members. A valid Minnesota driver’s license is required to operate any Fire Department vehicle. No member shall drive any Fire Department vehicles unless they have been adequately trained in their operation and approved by the officers to do so. This is a volunteer department and receives minimal compensation once a year. The city will reimburse training costs and pay for physicals and other expenses. |
Residence Requirements |
Personnel must live within the City of Marine on St. Croix or eight minute response time to the fire hall.
Initial Training |
Personnel are required to complete state certified fire training fire and minimum level of EMS First Responder. |
Training / Meetings |
The training and business meetings are held on the first and third Monday of each month at 7:00 PM. You are expected to stay active in trainings to maintain the skills needed by firefighters. You are required to attend 10 out of 12 training nights per year. There are periodic optional meetings.
Inspections |
The equipment inspection is held at 6:30 PM on the Second Monday of the month. You will be required to perform 4 inspections per year. These inspections are an important part of learning where equipment is stored and in keeping familiar with the operations of equipment and vehicles. |
Call Requirement |
You are expected to make minimum 20% calls for a 12 month period. |