Absentee Ballots

With absentee voting you may vote either in person or by mail during the 46 days before Election Day.  Absentee balloting for the General Election begins on Friday, September 18, 2020.

In person:

In-person absentee voting is available to Washington County eligible voters at the Government Center (14949 62nd St N, Stillwater) 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, September 18 through November 2.

You can vote early with an absentee ballot at your local elections office. If you are not registered, you can do so in person if you show proof of residence.
In person absentee voting will begin September 18 and run through November 2 at the below locations: 
- Monday - Friday, 8 am - 4:30 pm
- Saturday, Oct 31, 8 am - 3 pm
- Monday, Nov 2, 8 am - 5 pm

**No appointments are necessary for voting **
  • Cottage Grove Service Center, 13000 Ravine Pkwy, Cottage Grove
  • Oakdale City Hall, 1584 Hadley Ave N, Oakdale
  • Headwaters Service Center, 19955 Forest Rd N, Forest Lake
  • Washington County Gov’t Center, 14949 62nd St N, Stillwater
  • Woodbury Central Park/RH Stafford Library, Lower Level, 8595 Central Park Place, Woodbury, MN 


Have an agent pick up your ballot (agent delivery)

In special situations, you may ask an agent to pick up and return an absentee ballot for you. This is called ‘agent delivery.’  

By mail:
Apply early so you can mail back or deliver your absentee ballot to Washington County before Election Day. You cannot drop off your voted ballot at Marine's precinct (121 Judd Street) on Election Day.  You may call, write, or fax to request an application. You can return your application by fax, but not your ballot.

Voters may apply for an absentee ballot online through the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office. The online applications will be processed by Washington County and ballots will be mailed to the voters applying online.
To print a copy of an absentee ballot application click on the link below:
Absentee Ballot Application (PDF) 
You may call Washington County Elections at 651-430-6175 to have an absentee ballot application mailed to you.
The application must be sent to the County Elections Office by mail or fax, see below.
Mail: Washington County Elections, 14949 62nd St. N. Stillwater MN 55082
Fax: 651-430-6178
If you are in the military or outside the U.S., you vote based on where you last lived in Minnesota. Your parent, spouse, brother, sister, or adult child can apply for you. Make sure to apply early. See the Secretary of State's website for more information and forms