Cell Tower Site Open House


Get your questions answered about where a future cell tower would likely go in Marine, and how the site was chosen.

March 16, 7 - 8:30 pm
121 Judd St. | Village Hall
There will not be a Zoom option for this event.


At this open house, elected officials and residents who have been part of discussions about a potential cell tower will share information on the site selection process and answer your questions. Representatives from Vinco, the company applying to build the tower, are also expected to be there to answer questions.

This is not a formal public hearing and there will be future opportunities for feedback. Vinco hasn't submitted an application for the permit yet. After they do, a public hearing will be scheduled. The intent of this event is to include citizens relatively early in the process, before and in addition to a public hearing for a complete application.

Last updated 3/2/2022 10:13:13 AM