Lower St. Croix Management Commission Partnership Team Meeting


7:00 PM Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Oak Park Heights City Hall
14168 Oak Park Blvd. N.
Oak Park Heights, MN 55082

Agenda for Meeting #79
1. Introductions - Sign In – Determination of quorum (6+5+6)/3 X 0.6 = 4
2. Approval of Minutes of the Previous Meeting: #78 April 30, 2024-Malick
3. Recognition of Ellen Denzer MacSwain as Representative of Wild Rivers Conservance
(fka St. Croix River Association)
4. St. Croix Riverway Information Signs, Recommendation to LSCMC-Cuccia
5. Pierce County, Mueller, Lift-Beaudet
6. Bayport, Berglund Construction, Residential Addition-Malick
7. Hudson, Gagnon, New Building-Ward and Wroblewski
8. Bayport, Jesperson, Residential Addition-MacSwain
9. General Riverway Announcements
10. Adjourn

Since the PT has no staff or budget, agendas and minutes will be furnished only by e-mail.
Agendas are emailed to some municipal clerks in the Riverway for posting and emailed to some
newspaper reporters.
Future Land Use Review Committee meetings: Afton City Hall, 1:00 PM second Tuesday of
each 5-Tuesday month. October 8, 2024, December 10, 2024.
Future Partnership Meetings: Oak Park Heights City Hall, 7:00 PM fifth Tuesday of each 5-
Tuesday month. October 29, 2024, December 30, 2024.

Last updated 7/12/2024 12:08:40 PM