Highway 95 week long road closure begins in early June

MnDOT is working on a drainage repair project along Highway 95 (St. Croix Trail) in Chisago and Washington Counties this construction season. The plan is to replace a pipe under Hwy 95. The work will require crews to put in place a week-long closure of the highway to complete the repair.

Beginning at 5:30 a.m. on Monday, June 5 there will be a full closure of Highway 95 between Highway 8 and Highway 243 in Franconia Township.  The highway is expected to reopen on Monday, June 12 by 5:30 a.m.

Local property access will be maintained throughout the closure for residents and business in the closure area  You will not be able to get through the culvert work areas and will need to use other local access routes. See map.

The remainder of the project work will be finished as quickly as possible, weather permitting.

MnDOT realizes this work will cause some inconvenience for businesses, customers, residents and other motorists traveling on Highway 95 and has scheduled the work to minimize impacts as much as possible.