Cell Tower Site Selection - Open House Materials
Summary of Q&A
Q John Goodfellow : What will happen if the tower becomes obsolete and what are the economics of the plan?
A Lon Pardun: Finances haven't been negotiated. The city might get a rent payment, but the amount is unknown at this time. Regarding obsolescence, it's part of the contract that Vinco will remove the tower when it is no longer of use.
A Charlie Anderson: The site was chosen based on what would provide the best service for Marine. Any potential payments will be determined in a separate process.
Q Mary Burke: Would like to see a map to scale of the site, where the compost is, where the existing and future drain field sites are, and where the tower will go. Also, if AT&T turns out to be the only tenant how will that help people using other carriers? Regarding the public safety element -- will the sheriff's office be using the tower?
A Dana Anderson: AT&T is the core tenant, but others will likely offer service through this location via roaming. They want to provide service to their customers. If it makes sense financially they will likely invest in collocating on the tower.
A Charlie Anderson: Regarding public safety and sheriff's office - will follow up with Nate Timm.
Q Dennis Reynolds: Concerned about tower visuals with multiple arrays, and potential tower height.
A Steve Anderson (Vinco) The city developed its ordinance to minimize the number of towers and encourage one tower with all carriers. The photo simulations in the presentation show the tower with 3 carriers. That would be the maximum. It's a 180-foot tower plus a 10-foot lightning rod.
Q Michael Towers: Lives in Stugas in one of the closest homes to the proposed tower. Concerned about health issues and the impacts of radio frequency emissions. The consequences are unknown for a potentially vulnerable population, health wise. The EU has different regulations.
A AT&T Rep: Their plans go through third party testing for safety. They change the plan if needed and in the past have responded by changing sites, shortening tower heights, shielding signals in certain directions.
A Dana Anderson: All cellular infrastructure has to meet federal health and safety standards available on the FCC website: https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/human-exposure-radio-frequency-fields-guidelines-cellular-and-pcs-sites