Planning Commission

The Marine on St. Croix Planning Commission helps uphold the long-term vision of the City. Guided by the comprehensive plan and zoning code, this team reviews requests from property owners asking for small exceptions to the code (variances or conditional use permits). The Commission also reviews and updates the comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance. 

Planning Commission meets the last Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm. Meetings are held at the Village Hall, 121 Judd Street, unless otherwise specified.

Requests to be added to the agenda must be made to the City Clerk's office a minimum of 7 days prior to the meeting date. This deadline allows the City to post accurate agendas for residents to view a week before regular meetings.


Submit a comment to the Planning Commission through this link

Alternatively, you can email and your comments will be forwarded to all members. Although commissioners read and consider every comment, outside of meetings they cannot discuss comments or offer a group response, due to Open Meeting Laws. Please do not expect an individual response to your comment, but know that it will be read and carefully considered.



Anna Hagstrom - Chair, Term Expires 12/31/2025

Kristina Smitten - Vice Chair, Term Expires 12/31/2027

Jennifer Henry - Member, Term Expires 12/31/2025

Tim Casey - Member, Term Expires 12/31/2026

Lisa White - Member, Term Expires 12/31/2026

Julie Warren - Member, Term Expires 12/31/2027

Claudia Carr - Member, Term Expires 12/31/2027